Sunday, 28 November 2010


Three year old me. Let’s go back to the sun and get that healthy looking tan back. It’s funny how school photos never ever capture the personality of the person. I can’t say I was an angel at that age. I want to get back to the sun right now. André and I came up with this master plan that involved exchanging sweets against a plane, having Rafael to pilot it as he's already done flight simulation on his PC and I designated André as steward. I was involved with sweet talking the plane owner.

School work is getting to my brains.

Talking of picture, I need to think of uploading and sending some to Sabrina. Noted.

Ok, um, got to get back to studying. It's weird to say this but I'm appreciating studying very, very much, at least you're not working your butt off for group works where some members don't even know your name the day you have the oral presentation because they were never there. I like studying. It's till frustrating... but in a good way, it's constructive, not nerve breaking.

PS: Meat sucks, bring on the veggies.

1 comment:

  1. like like like!!!! trop trop choutte la photo ;)
    moi avoir plein de travail aussi ces derniers temps ;( (enfin pas spécialement beaucoup de différents mais des gros, surtout que je sais qu'il y en a un vraiment pas mal (au niveau quantité de travail) qui tombe demain ;( ;( ;( )
    je te re souhaite beaucoup de courage et d'energie pour tes travaux
    a tres bientot vieille folle <3
