Tuesday, 30 November 2010


From : Me
To : André

<> cours < /end >?
<> life AND/OR study < /debut >?

From : André
To : Me

Fin des cours dans 10 minutes :(

If fin_des_cours :
Go Home
If tired:
Watch TV

From: Me
To: André

And if NOT motivée?

From: André
To: Me

Motivée = 10000

From: Me
To: André


From: André
To: Me

From: Me
To: André

From: André
To: Me

Haha :P C’est bon, j’ai reçu ^^

From : Me
To : André

You’re having one of those

INBOX (0), JUNK (986574610)


From : André
To : Me

Ou pas quoi, ça m’amuse.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Cerf Veau

La pause café de la semaine.


Both MarieS are alive! Yay!

And things at home and out are starting to sort themselves out. Allergies and health problems are still to handle, final administrative stuff too but it feels like there's a breeze in the tunnel.


Sunday, 28 November 2010


Three year old me. Let’s go back to the sun and get that healthy looking tan back. It’s funny how school photos never ever capture the personality of the person. I can’t say I was an angel at that age. I want to get back to the sun right now. André and I came up with this master plan that involved exchanging sweets against a plane, having Rafael to pilot it as he's already done flight simulation on his PC and I designated André as steward. I was involved with sweet talking the plane owner.

School work is getting to my brains.

Talking of picture, I need to think of uploading and sending some to Sabrina. Noted.

Ok, um, got to get back to studying. It's weird to say this but I'm appreciating studying very, very much, at least you're not working your butt off for group works where some members don't even know your name the day you have the oral presentation because they were never there. I like studying. It's till frustrating... but in a good way, it's constructive, not nerve breaking.

PS: Meat sucks, bring on the veggies.

Antoine dW

Je suis en inconcentration.


I like being able to help people out when they're in need but having another student come to me because he/she doesn't have their school stuff in order for the test we have tomorrow every ten minutes for the past two hours... And my computer giving up on me when I'm in the middle of an explanation...


Saturday, 27 November 2010


Charlotte et sa famille.

Les photos de la soirée sont enfin disponibles sur le site officiel! Il y en a des tonnes, je n'ai aucune idée comment ils ont fait pour les trier... En tout cas, merci encore 10 000 fois exposant l'infini de m'avoir invitée Choucroute! C'était magical!

Last Night

I wanted to post it last night but the computer wasn't available... One of the things that make me laugh no matter the situation (like Philippe DV's cheeks).

Thursday, 25 November 2010


1976 – 1979 Angleterre
1979 – 1981 Panama
1981 – 1983 Trinidad
1983 – 1985 Malaisie
1985 – 1986 Belgique
1986 – 1987 Bahreïn
1987 – 1988 Chine
1988 – 1989 Dubaï
1989 – 1990 France
1990 – 1992 Indonésie
1992 – 1994 Kuwait
1994 – 1998 Malaisie
1999 – 2007 Belgique
2008 – 2010 Rwanda

La partie facile… Maintenant, trouver les compagnies et numéros d’assurance respectifs… Ils ne laissent jamais assez de place dans ces formulaires, c’est terrible… A croire que les gens ne sont pas censés vivre et travailler au gré du vent...


So early.

De Grand Matin

Et une fois de plus, je sèche mes cours pour un travail de groupe à terminer... Olééé!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


I love Voldemort, and it pains me dearly to admit that the Dark Lord is in fact a Dark Lady.


1.Look at her Horcruxes. She literally put pieces of her soul in a necklace, a ring, a tiara, and a diary.

2.How lovingly she speaks to her Death Eaters. In the opening scene with her in Deathly Hallows, just listen to her voice as she addresses Snape. Her sickly sweet voice when she says “My Lord” to Lucius.

3.I just know that she has secret-telling sessions with Nagini. Girl to girl.
4.Let’s go back to the diary, shall we? She wrote in her diary during her Hogwarts years. She is so sensitive.

5.How else did she stumble upon the opening to the Chamber of Secrets? It’s in the girl’s bathroom.

I can only hope that She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named will realize this soon, because the Death Eaters meetings are quite awkward.
by voldemortoutbitches


Paroles: wap wap wap wap wap waaaap wap wap wap wap waaaap!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Too Much!

Can't believe I actually broke down in class.
Can't wait for it all to be over.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Charlotte D

Sacrée Choucroute!


I wanted to write a cool interesting yet leisurely entry... Took enough of a break and have work to do... Stepping up to it! Next week, all will be over (I hope)!

Sunday, 21 November 2010


Le weekend est déjà terminé?


A picture that makes me happy.


Je veux voir…

Rien à Déclarer
Sortie en Belgique: 26 janvier 2011

Sortie en Belgique: 1er décembre 2010

Sucker Punch
Sortie en Belgique: 30 mars 2011


Congratulations to my cousin Mathieu and his partner on the occasion of their engagement! Lots of happiness to you both!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Happy Place

Bubble Burst

We stayed ten hours straight working like maniacs on another project. One boy takes four hours to rewrite half a page. One of the girls abandons us for her dance class. She hasn’t done her part yet for the work due the day after. I skipped classes with Amandine to finalise it all. She was sick I hadn’t eaten for 24 hours for lack of time. And we’re running to the printing shop and the work isn’t finished and we’re running to school but the binding isn’t nicely done and we’re running to stop the teacher before he leaves… Fuck this.

I sent an e-mail on Tuesday. No answer. I sent an e-mail on Thursday. No answer. I spoke to them in class on Friday. They walked out. I sent them all text messages. No one answered. The project is due on Monday. I’m alone. Fuck them.

The weather is beautiful outside.

I meet up with friends and one of them says I complain too much about being too occupied. When I say I feel like talking now because I’m down he says we’ll see each other tomorrow? I move all the way to the ULB to see them when I should be working on projects and he’s more occupied by student songs than talking with me? I only get texts when he’s bored at babysitting? He moves all the way to Erasme but only came over and said hello in a rush when his friend was sick at St Luc? I feel like a total idiot for even thinking I meant a bit as a friend for him. Fuck that.

You shouldn’t make someone your priority when to that person you are but an option.

“So you weren’t the prettiest of the girls at the party, right?” / “I found someone who’ll take the dog for us so we don’t have the annoyance anymore.” / “So Marie, Roxane and their boyfriends will be in one car and you’re going with Sabrina, Kelly and Sabrina’s boyfriend. You got rejected to that car?” / “Bitch!” / “Please! I can’t do anything! I’m stupid! You never do anything for me! You’re so ungrateful!” / “Of course I keep repeating myself! I’m a broken record!”

I can’t always be the happy go lightly person cheering people on. Sometimes the load of your misery drags me down too. I can’t pull you up forever; you have to put in some effort too.

So many people leaving, so many people changing, so many people disappearing…

My dad left us without a dime. Nothing. Account on zero. I actually have to renounce to the inheritance of his debts. Fuck that.

The social security asks for a thousand papers and I run to get them all between school projects then they don’t come to the rendezvous and can’t receive me before yet another week. We have to pay for the bills and insurances. We’re loosing hundreds. Each. Fucking. Week.

It’s so fucking cold. I can’t sleep.

My mum can go live with her family in Malaysia but what do I do? I can’t finance myself here. Do I abandon my studies to go work? It scares me that such a thing is actually a possibility…

And I’m just a teenager! I want to be part of the groups that have formed, I want to be hanging out after classes, laughing at stupid stuff, I want to go see the people I miss on the other campuses, I want to visit family, I want to sleepover at people’s house without feeling dead tired and guilty about it when I get home.

And at times I can be a fool and irrational and damn irritating and over exaggerating but I don’t feel fucking sorry for those moments because I’m human and this is a fucking lot to handle. And I can’t take it. I’m not sorry for breaking down but I do feel sorry if you can’t understand that.

And yes, I’m writing all of this on the net. Because maybe one day I’ll look back at this and say to myself, “hey honey, you didn’t do too bad, didn’t you?”

And that day, I’ll be snuggling under some blankets on a good sofa with a mug of tea and good friends in front of a good movie in a warm house and there will be nothing else to be thinking about. That will be nice.


Je veux être emmitouflée dans des couvertures sur un bon sofa avec une tasse de thé et des potes à regarder un film dans une maison bien chaude là maintenant. Ce serait bien.

Saint V

Most student groups rent a large transport truck for the occasion, which they decorate in accordance with the year's theme. Each truck has a large number of kegs inside, and some students are designated to serve beer to the others all day, with an all-you-can-drink payment scheme. Many also bring large sound systems which play loud music all day.

The students first meet at the Sablon/Zavel square, and after several hours, the trucks start to move towards the Brussels Stock Exchange on Boulevard Anspach. This takes several hours as well, as the trucks move only at a walking speed and are more often than not stopped due to the students surrounding them and on the road. Beer continues to be served while the trucks are in motion. All roads which the procession goes on are closed to other traffic, including Anspach Boulevard, Brussels' main street.

The students then disperse and reconvene around 9pm at ULB's Solbosch campus, where all the year's decorations are burnt semi-ceremonially. Many alumni come to the university's discotheque on that night, which is normally only open to current students.
It was great seeing so many people and the folklore. I should have snapped more photos.

Catwoman (Margaux V) had her secret order penne: the black one with a skull for the Ordre des Frères Macchabées. She was distributing their annual paper. Each time I happened to grab one because I was curious to know what they said, someone would knock it out my hands and throw beer on it. The elite order isn’t loved.

“Family” picture of No Life, Pornoricain and me. We’re missing Koekelberg and our other co-fillots from the computer science student circle.

Other than that, Tremblote (Philippe DV) and I discovered we had a friend in common; Quentin J namely. He’s in my class this year. He was pissed drunk. He too won’t tell me his Name.

I didn’t stay that long and I think that’s why I missed Butterfly (Laurence M). I called her but we couldn’t hear each other with all the noise. Ironic since Solvay was the one of the only trucks without music blasting through some speakers.

One liter of beer and four hours was enough for me. I know some probably downed ten times that amount and celebrated the 48 hours in their totality but I was happy with that (and even happier due to the alcohol) so I headed home. Roxane W called me in the bus and told me I was drunk which I wasn’t or else I wouldn’t have been able to text Rafael C that I wanted to hug everyone in the public transport.

I got back home and decided to work but my brain refused so it told me go watch Harry Potter with my mum. I eat and took a bus to get our tickets in advance after which I eared around the Fnac, checking out the music CDs and books. After finding out I had to wait two weeks to get a God Is An Astronaut CD, I had fun with the yellow circles drawn on the carpet then realized my hands still smelled like the festivities so I went to get a free Tommy Hilfiger Get Loud perfumed bracelet some girls were distributing outside.

In the cinema, my mum joined me and I met Aurélie H who used to go to Chinese classes with me two years ago. She was with some friends from Paris and we were all excited for the film. I didn’t have my expectations too high though. I think the principal Harry Potter actors aren’t the greatest.

I could have gone to see it with Philippe and Coline E at Braine-L’Alleud but that would have meant sleeping at Philippe’s place and knowing us, he would have woken up at 1PM and we would have eaten pizzas for breakfast and watched the Disney Channel until 6 and I had work to do this morning (which still isn’t finished).

Anyways, I was with my mum and I rushed in the cinema, got places that would have been great if my high school crush wasn’t sitting two seats away from me with his girlfriend. Luckily I’ve gotten past him and the film was just great so I had my mind elsewhere.

Seriously, I must applaud David Yates for bringing out the best in the film. As much as the other films were good but not great and always a bit disappointing, this one got me gripped. That’s all I’m going to say or I’ll be going into too many details you can find out… by watching the movie.

Mum and I hoped back on the bus around midnight. The bus got invaded by Initited students heading to the ULB’s “discotheque”, the Jefke singing our student songs and chanting all together, in good humor and making everyone laugh: “We’re going to break your bus! We’re going to break your bus! We’re going to break your bus! We’re going to break your bus!”

And there we were heading off into another day…


Rechute Japon... Sans doute à cause du travail.


Yesterday, I was with Cash Cash (Polytechnic), Misse Misse (Economics), and Mister Duc (Mathematics) in front of our old secondary school with our beer jugs questing for money to reimburse what we spent during our Student Initiation . The fun part of course, is the fact that we were at the school’s entrance with a bags of flour to throw on the students who didn’t give us anything. Misse Misse went from black to white. He was standing downwind from me. Sorry.

I find it a sad we can’t actually go into school with the flour and bring some rotten eggs to throw because then, people would actually hear and witness a bit of Student Initiation and we would have more participants from our secondary school than are usual one or two students a year (this year, there was only Pas de Bourrée (Engineering Management) and I).

Given the fact that we couldn’t actually go in the school with the flour, some youngsters started throwing chalks at us from the school windows. We shouted at them and after a while, Misse Misse and I went into school (without the flour). The face of the little boy’s face when we came back out with his discipline prefect… It was exquisite. We chatted around with the Prefect while all the younger students watched us in awe and finally, when there were no more new arrivals, we got permission to go say hello to all our old teachers in school.

In some other schools, they even invite the Initiated students to have a pint with them. But then again, my school doesn’t even let us bring eggs or they’ll call the police and we won’t be welcomed the year after.

So what’s the big occasion? Let’s call Wikipedia for some knowledge:

St V is the commonly used name for a holiday for university students in Brussels, Belgium, celebrating the founding of the Free University of Brussels. The day's long form (French: Saint-Verhaegen, Dutch: Sint-Verhaegen) differs in the two official languages, but both are a reference to Pierre-Théodore Verhaegen, the founder of the university, who notably is not a saint and was never canonized. The festivities take place on November 20, commemorating the anniversary of the university's official opening. It is celebrated by students of both the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, which officially separated in 1970.

The event dates back to November 20, 1888, when students of the university organized to protest a university reorganization that was perceived as undemocratic and against the principle of free inquiry ("libre examen" in French, "vrij onderzoek" in Dutch), on which the university was founded. That morning, 200 of the university's 1400 students, with many freemasons, (as Verhaegen was also the founder of the Grand Orient of Belgium) assembled and left a wreath of oak leaves on Verhaegen's tomb.

In following years, the students, with much fanfare and waving the flags of their respective student organizations, would form a long procession to pay homage to Verhaegen at his tomb and a monument in his honour. These celebrations continue to this day, although the students are now generally more concerned with drinking in the streets, and the honouring of Verhaegen is done largely by faculty and is more formal and official. Students get the day off for the events; no classes are scheduled that day.

Sadly though, as I am no more a student of the ULB, I did have class which I headed to having some small talk with my old adorable Biology teacher.

When I walked into my current school of higher education (sounds pompous but I don’t know how to formulate it otherwise; it’s not a university) with my tablard (coat), penne (hat) and beer jug, people actually called me to them to give me money. It was fun. I was the only one at it and some people were giving me the thumbs up. It’s weird how some simple pieces of clothing can distinguish you that much from others.

The teacher was absent and I met Maxime F on my way back to the metro station. He asked me if he could quest a while for me so I lent him my stuff and he was going all nostalgic about it because he had to do it for himself last year. He still won’t tell me his Name (Social Politics)though…

Maxime with my stuff and quest money... Unsurprisingly, only women stopped to fill the glass...

I grabbed the metro and headed back to the center…

To be continued (I have work to get back to)…


Loïc D, Batman n'est que Gru pendu au plafond!


What I really want to be doing right now is to be seated in some coffee lounge with a café latté and a frangipani doing some craft with jazz music in the background and nothing to be troubled about. That's what I would wish for right now.

Thursday, 18 November 2010


God Is An Astronaut
22 Mai 2010


I fail my one week blog challenge. I start it again today.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Le Boulot

Après avoir travaillé jusqu’à minuit hier avec l’aide de Rafael C, le boulot n’est toujours pas terminé.

Notre état d’avancement ? « Ce soir, y a ma copine qui devait venir dormir chez moi mais à la place, je me tape ça *pointe Valentino DF du doigt* pour terminer ce fichu travail. » Arnoul d.

Ca résume la situation.


Monday, 15 November 2010


Un travail sur les loisirs… Ironie quand tu nous tiens…


School work. Start: 08:30PM. Dang it. Gimme the all nighter.

Pied Droit

Amis du jour, bonjour !

Ce matin, je suis allée au secrétariat de la faculté des sciences sociales, politiques et économiques de l’université libre de Bruxelles (et oui, je l’écris en entier parce que je suis de bonne humeur) pour aller chercher mon relevé de notes d’examens de première année. Et cette fois ci, je l’ai eu ! Donc je suis contente.

Et maintenant, je sirote un bon jus de légumes frais (ouais, chacun ses gouts hein) après avoir envoyé mon dossier complet au CPAS.

Les cours commencent dans deux heures et j’ai le temps de poursuivre mon écoute de Naheulbeuk. La vie est belle !

Bonne journée, amis de la journée !


Sunday, 14 November 2010


De : Moi
A : André MC

De : André
A : Moi

De : Moi
A : André

De : André
A : Moi

De : Moi
A : André
Hmmmm… *poke* … *poke* … *poke* …

De : André
A : Moi
*poke you back a million times*

De : Moi
A : André
*wears poke proof sheep suit*

De : André
A : Moi
:O What can I do against it? :O Idea!!! *puts wolf costume* muahahahhahahahahahaha

De : Moi
A : André
I’m a pwetty clowd *bounces around*

De : Andre
A : Moi
Awww so cute :D

Music On Stage

Charlotte D's private party. Food, drinks, live bands and DJ, nice people and a great atmosphere and theme! It rocked! It funked! It awesomed!

Waiting for the official photos (done by that cute photographer)... And Marie G's.

I lost my shoes though... Anybody seen them?

Saturday, 13 November 2010


Après qu’Alexandre L m’ait parlé de cette saga MP3 il y a 4 ans et que Rafael C et Sylvain B aient quasiment récité la série par cœur il y a quelques mois, je me suis enfin décidée à écouter le premier épisode hier soir vers minuit…

Pour terminer à 3 heures du matin la première saison et me lancer dans le deuxième ce matin.

La Donjon de Naheulbeuk est disponible gratuitement en format MP3 sur le site official de Pen Of Chaos : http://www.penofchaos.com

Friday, 12 November 2010


I forgot to say: I slapped Anh N across the face with the back of my hand today.

I was spreading out my arms to give a massive hug to Myriam M and didn’t look beside me where Anh was standing.

So I slapped her across the face with the back of my hand.

I’m very sorry Anh.


André MC n’arrive pas à ouvrir ce blog que je lui ai conseillé. Si quelqu’un voit où se situe le problème, pourrait-il le signaler ?


Des aiguilles. First thing that comes to mind when I say “bloodsuckers”: needles.

I got a blue black on my arm, a small stain on my new sweater and an excuse to eat sweets.

This morning, I woke up, took a shower and got changed and that’s when my mum sees me in my skirt and heels and asks me to dress down. I refuse. I know I’m going to have to see the people at the social service after going to the blood clinic and getting some papers at my old University but just because I’m dressed nicely mean I’m rich. Even, if I were rich doesn’t mean I wouldn’t deserve social money. We pay for this; we have right to it when in need no matter our social status, right?

No matter what, my mum puts on her best sobbing voice and acts likes she’s going to cry at one moment or another. I’m adamant: I’m going to wear those heels whether she likes it or not.

She goes out to walk the dog and I gather up my doctor demand and apartment contract and yes, I do change my clothes. I don’t know why I did it but when my mum sees me walk out the house, her face beams like I just saved a helpless whale entangled in fishing nets. The whole situation seems rather ironic to me due to the whole “My Son is Gay” blog post I posted the day before. I should have kept the skirt but I’m already running late for the clinic.

I sign in at 9:10 AM and am out and eating a brownie at 9:20.

All formalities should be that easy.

The faculty’s secretary is closed and I’m missing papers for my social service interview. The lady says to get them for Monday on her desk and everyone will be happy. I thank her. She understands.

I really could have worn my skirt and stilettoes. Ma jupe et talons aiguilles.

생의 한가운데

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Antoine d. says it looks awful.

He also won’t go out to look for an open bakery shop at 9PM on the public holiday of Armistice to buy a croissant for me and bring it over to my place. Even against my golden shiny star shaped sticker.


J’ai du travail pour la semaine prochaine et je n’arrête pas de blogger… Pas bien…

Je dis que ce n’est pas bien mais ce n’est pas pour autant que je vais réagir.

Sinon, j’ai une bonne nouvelle : avec un peu de chance, la propriétaire de l’appartement où je vis va faire un devis pour du double vitrage dans le salon et ma chambre.

Je ne mentais pas quand je disais qu’il fait 12°C.

La propriétaire est venue aujourd’hui pour voir tous les nombreuses « retouches » isolatrices que nous avons effectuées à la demeure. Waw, ça fait chic, « demeure ».

Elle a gardé sa veste durant toute la visite.

On croise les doigts !

La nouvelle voisine est venue sonner ayant le problème inverse dans sa cuisine bien isolée : le radiateur chauffe et il y a pas moyen de le fermer… Espérons que rien ne brule ce soir…

Allez, zou, au travail.

My Son is Gay

Français ? English ? Français ? English ? I think I’ll just alternate.

You can’t imagine how long the first post took for me to upload. My computer crashed on me again. I have to excuse it, it’s getting very old. I think it’s like 15 already.

Santa Claus, hear my cry! It would be so cool to blog if I had a new one! *smiles cutely* Integrated webcam would be wicked too. *bats eyelashes*

Anyway, what I wanted to blog about isn’t even something I wrote out but something I stumbled upon this morning while on tumblr on my iTouch in bed. Wow, I have no life.

So here it is, My Son is Gay by Nerdy Apple Bottom:
Or he’s not. I don’t care. He is still my son. And he is 5. And I am his mother. And if you have a problem with anything mentioned above, I don’t want to know you.

I have gone back and forth on whether I wanted to post something more in-depth about my sweet boy and his choice of Halloween costume. Or more specifically, the reactions to it. I figure if I’m still irked by it a few days later, I may as well go ahead and post my thoughts.

Here are the facts that lead up to my rant:

1.My son is 5 and goes to a church preschool.
2.He has loved Scooby Doo since developing the ability and attention span to sit still long enough to watch it.
3.Halloween is a holiday and its main focus is wearing a costume.
4.My son’s school had the kids dress up, do a little parade, and then change out of costumes for the rest of the party.
5.Boo’s best friend is a little girl
6.Boo has an older sister
7.Boo spends most of his time with me.
8.I am a woman.
9.I am Boo’s mother, not you.

So a few weeks before Halloween, Boo decides he wants to be Daphne from Scooby Doo, along with his best friend E. He had dressed as Scooby a couple of years ago. I was hesitant to make the purchase, not because it was a cross gendered situation, but because 5 year olds have a tendency to change their minds. After requesting a couple of more times, I said sure and placed the order. He flipped out when it arrived. It was perfect.

Then as we got closer to the actual day, he stared to hem and haw about it. After some discussion it comes out that he is afraid people will laugh at him. I pointed out that some people will because it is a cute and clever costume. He insists their laughter would be of the ‘making fun’ kind. I blow it off. Seriously, who would make fun of a child in costume?

And then the big day arrives. We get dressed up. We drop Squirt at his preschool and head over to his. Boo doesn’t want to get out of the car. He’s afraid of what people will say and do to him. I convince him to go inside. He halts at the door. He’s visibly nervous. I chalk it up to him being a bit of a worrier in general. Seriously, WHO WOULD MAKE FUN OF A CHILD IN A COSTUME ON HALLOWEEN? So he walks in. And there were several friends of mine that knew what he was wearing that smiled and waved and gave him high-fives. We walk down the hall to where his classroom is.

And that’s where things went wrong. Two mothers went wide-eyed and made faces as if they smelled decomp. And I realize that my son is seeing the same thing I am. So I say, “Doesn’t he look great?” And Mom A says in disgust, “Did he ask to be that?!” I say that he sure did as Halloween is the time of year that you can be whatever it is that you want to be. They continue with their nosy, probing questions as to how that was an option and didn’t I try to talk him out of it. Mom B mostly just stood there in shock and dismay.

And then Mom C approaches. She had been in the main room, saw us walk in, and followed us down the hall to let me know her thoughts. And they were that I should never have ‘allowed’ this and thank God it wasn’t next year when he was in Kindergarten since I would have had to put my foot down and ‘forbidden’ it. To which I calmly replied that I would do no such thing and couldn’t imagine what she was talking about. She continued on and on about how mean children could be and how he would be ridiculed.

My response to that: The only people that seem to have a problem with it is their mothers.

Another mom pointed out that high schools often have Spirit Days where girls dress like boys and vice versa. I mentioned Powderpuff Games where football players dress like cheerleaders and vice versa. Or every frat boy ever in college (Mom A said that her husband was a frat boy and NEVER dressed like a woman.)

But here’s the point, it is none of your damn business.

If you think that me allowing my son to be a female character for Halloween is somehow going to ‘make’ him gay then you are an idiot. Firstly, what a ridiculous concept. Secondly, if my son is gay, OK. I will love him no less. Thirdly, I am not worried that your son will grow up to be an actual ninja so back off.

If my daughter had dressed as Batman, no one would have thought twice about it. No one.

But it also was heartbreaking to me that my sweet, kind-hearted five year old was right to be worried. He knew that there were people like A, B, and C. And he, at 5, was concerned about how they would perceive him and what would happen to him.

Just as it was heartbreaking to those parents that have lost their children recently due to bullying. IT IS NOT OK TO BULLY. Even if you wrap it up in a bow and call it ‘concern.’ Those women were trying to bully me. And my son. MY son.

It is obvious that I neither abuse nor neglect my children. They are not perfect, but they are learning how to navigate this big, and sometimes cruel, world. I hate that my son had to learn this lesson while standing in front of allegedly Christian women. I hate that those women thought those thoughts, and worse felt comfortable saying them out loud. I hate that ‘pink’ is still called a girl color and that my baby has to be so brave if he wants to be Daphne for Halloween.

And all I hope for my kids, and yours, and those of Moms ABC, are that they are happy. If a set of purple sparkly tights and a velvety dress is what makes my baby happy one night, then so be it. If he wants to carry a purse, or marry a man, or paint fingernails with his best girlfriend, then ok. My job as his mother is not to stifle that man that he will be, but to help him along his way. Mine is not to dictate what is ‘normal’ and what is not, but to help him become a good person.

I hope I am doing that.

And my little man worked that costume like no other. He rocked that wig, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

My opinion? She did great on the moment but I have an issue about her blogging it out on the internet? I mean, you just have to type in “My Son Is Gay” on Google and it’s all over the place and things like this tend to stay for a very long time around here.

He’s five. As she said, children of that age change their opinions all the time and now, she’s got him branded as the “My Son is Gay” kid. Talk about giving him more struggles in his relationship issues.

Have your say in the comment box.


J’arrive jamais à tenir un blog. Quand il y a rien qui se passe, il y a rien à raconter et quand tout tombe en même temps… j’ai plus le temps d’écrire. Bref, je me lance le challenge de tenir ce truc pendant une semaine. Tous les jours. Ca va être chaud. Pas au sens calorifique… Enfin, ce serait bien parce que pour le moment il fait 12°C dans ma chambre le soir et ce n’est pas génialissime.

Je m’égare.

Donc, oui, blog. J’en ai deux autres. Un public que j’ai laissé tomber et qui prend de la poussière dans un coin et un privé qui commence à rouiller. Je pensais à lui apporter un peu d’huile de coude mais finalement, les blogs sont censés être publics non ? D’où la création de celui-ci, énième blog depuis le début de ma dépendance à l’Internet. Merci la NASA.

Dans ce blog, j’aborderai tout ce qui me passe par la tête. Ou du moins, une partie. J’ai pensé faire une petite liste mais franchement, y a tellement de bordel dans mon crâne, j’ai essayé mais ça donnait vraiment rien… et puis, c’était trop long.

Bref, je ne sais pas quoi dire d’autre alors voici un free hug pour vous tous. Parce que « calin gratuit », ça sonne moins nice.


PS : LOL, ça fait un peu cri d’indien comme ça.